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Jan Kasparec's Art Studio 109, 1000 Parker Street, Vancouver

Rainbow Finger

<<   >> | Year: 2017, Size 30 inches x 40 inches read details
Oil painting - Rainbow Finger
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Author`s comment:

Maybe it`s time for new Remembrance day. I know that this post might disturb those of you who still believe the official narrative of corporate media and governments (AKA big fat lie), but it`s about time we wake up, face our BS and heal. So today I would like to remember the victims of US invasive wars. US army killed over 20million people AFTER (not including) WWII (a war that is often used as excuse for all sorts of “pro-army patriotic propaganda”). After 9/11 US self-appointed itself as world “peacemaker” (AKA war-maker), which is quite an irony considering that 9/11 was an obvious inside job (Building 7 falling in free fall fashion...but not hit by anything? Sure....and other 1000 shady areas of the official report?).


Lets never forget the hundreds of thousands innocent civilian victims that died in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lybia, Syria etc., at the hands of war criminals such as Bush (whose family financed both sides of WWII- yes, that means Nazis too), Cheney (The Dick), Rumsfeld, Clinton (Killary), Trump (trying to sell another war to public) and last but not least Barrack Obama, who many loved for his sweet talks and amazing public acting skills, but who was with no doubt a war criminal, as were his military and intelligence officials and most of the House and Senate.

Obama was the first president to keep the US at war for the entirety of his eight-year regime (guy who shouted “I`ll bring the troops home” in his first 2008 campaign..). During 2016 alone, the US dropped 26,171 bombs on wedding parties, funerals, kid’s soccer games, hospitals, schools, people in their homes and walking their streets, and farmers tilling their fields in seven countries: Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan. I guess we were too busy crying for US soldiers to bother about the multitude of “poor brown” people “somewhere far” and never on TV screens who got no say in the doom.

Terrorism was created by US modern day invasions, no wars have been won, and the Middle East has been consumed in chaos and destruction.

And I am barely touching the tip of iceberg here. I could go on for days and it would get much worse, especially if I talk about freedoms we lost. But my point is NOT TO POINT THE FINGER OF BLAME because that will only keep the vicious circle running. I forgive these people every day in my prayers, because they truly are deep asleep and completely unaware of their true soul nature and nature of Holographic Divine Universe.


The point is to shake up the general public from their sleep, because ultimately it is us, THE CONSUMERS OF THEIR , the law-abiding voting sheep, who perpetuate these lies and let them manifest in physical world. People often ask me if and how long I think Humanity could heal. The answer is SO CLEAR IN MY HEART, it comes without a shade of doubt- IN ONE MOMENT. In one moment of realization of our true nature as powerful cosmic beings whose minds create this reality. As far as we believe in FEAR agenda that our rulers have great interest (and are fully invested in) to keep on going, we can only create fear-based world of hierarchy, patriarchy and war. One moment of logging off the status quo (get rid of your TV, Hollywood & media & political propaganda at once) and tapping all focus into self-healing/love will raise your frequency, which at collective level is not only the most effective and fastest way to solve all humanity`s problems, it is THE ONLY WAY. The next revolution will not happen in the streets. It will start with your own, spiritual revolution, it will start with your realization as MASTER CREATOR, not a slave or victim. May The Humanity Awaken – Peace & Love & Unity & Abundance. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.

Info about painting Rainbow Finger:

Painting in categories:    Fantasy / Surreal
Dimensions: width 30 inches, height 40 inches
Year: 2017
Painting for sale: 0 $
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