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Jan Kasparec's Art Studio 109, 1000 Parker Street, Vancouver


<<   >> | Year: 2017, Size 72 inches x 48 inches read details
Oil painting - Breakthrough
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Author`s comment:

You might be surprised that the first thing I paint after 11 weeks of spiritual journey in India is lots of darkness over the light. There`s a simple reason behind that. This painting holds the answer. This is my breakthrough (the beam of light that not even the eye band can hide)- there is no coming to light without embracing your darkness, your fears first- without judgment and with trust. We have huge amount of collective human karma stored up in our DNA so there is no reason to take it personally. You can be sure of one thing- the depth of darkness that comes out when you unlock your higher purpose is staggering, but IT WON`T KILL YOU. Same as everything in this Holographic Divine Universe, there is a reason behind that. Ancient fear patterns are coming to surface because you`re finally ready to walk through them to the light! Trust your fear, and dive right in, because new life of Glory will grow from the ashes of your shadows. Love

Info about painting Breakthrough:

Painting in categories:    Fantasy / Surreal
Dimensions: width 72 inches, height 48 inches
Year: 2017
Painting sold
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